Blake Starwater and the Adventures of the Starship Perilous: The First Five Adventures

The first Starship Perilous collection — this book contains Adventures #1-5.

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Read an excerpt from "A Precious Cargo (Starship Perilous Adventure #1)"

From the back of the book:
Blake Starwater is captain of the Starship Perilous. Traveling along with him are the frisky Felioness, Kitty, and the cynical robot, OMBot. Together they soar between the numerous Known Worlds, taking on the jobs that other space crews won't do. The risky jobs. The dangerous jobs. The sometimes less-than-legal jobs.

From exploring a derelict space orbital to corporate espionage to meeting a previously unknown alien species — during their travels they will have to deal with a cavalcade of outrageous characters from across the galaxy as they fight to stay alive and get the job done. They may even meet an ally or two who will join them aboard the . . . Starship Perilous!

This collection contains the first five Starship Perilous Adventures:
#1 A Precious Cargo
#2 Not Remotely Possible
#3 Planet of the Molers
#4 All Aboard
#5 Adrift

It is available as a trade paperback and an ebook.

Amazon or Barnes & Noble.

Amazon(Kindle), Apple iTunes Store, Smashwords, Kobo, Barnes & Noble.